2021 COVID Protocol

AYP Summer Camp Protocol for 2021

Auburn Youth Programs
3 min readMay 12, 2021

First and foremost, we hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. We have received questions from parents about if and how COVID-19 will affect AYP Summer Camps. We know this pandemic has been stressful to many and recognize that socializing and interacting with peers can be a healthy way for children to cope with stress and connect with others, particularly after spending quite a bit of time at home. After careful thought and planning, we are excited to let you know that we plan to resume camp while following CDC considerations to protect participants, families, and our community.

The health and safety of our participants and staff remain our highest priority. Below, you will find a summary of actions we are taking to help ensure we are lowering COVID-19 risk as much as possible.

We are:

  • Intensifying cleaning and disinfection practices within our facilities and premises by cleaning and disinfecting transport vehicles (e.g., buses or vans), and ensuring safe and correct use and storage of disinfectants.
  • Keeping participants in small groups and spacing them out by practicing social distancing during camp activities, when possible.
  • Promoting healthy hygiene practices by reminding campers and AYP staff the importance of washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, providing campers with hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when they don’t have easy access to soap and water, encouraging participants to cover their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or to use the inside of their elbow.
  • Requesting that staff and participants wear a cloth face covering at all times while indoors and outside in times when physical distancing is difficult.
  • If a participant does get sick, we have identified an area where they can rest, be watched after, and safely isolate from others until a parent/guardian is able to pick them up. We will communicate with parents/guardians directly and, if necessary, arrange for the participant to be taken to a healthcare facility for care. If a camper tests positive for COVID-19, please note that a parent/guardian MUST be physically present to check-out their camper and campers MUST be checked out by the end of camp.
  • Check-in and check-out procedures will occur outdoors at the Hill Residence Halls. Only campers will be allowed into their assigned residences hall to limit exposure. Please limit parents/guardians to no more than two people during check-in and check-out. Campers will be screened for symptoms prior to officially checking in.

We ask that you help us protect the health of your child this summer. Anyone who is sick or was sick with COVID-19 or recently in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days — including staff, participants, and families — should not come to camp. Be on the lookout for symptoms of COVID-19, which include fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell. Call your doctor if you think you or a family member is sick.

If you have a specific question about this plan or COVID-19, please contact auyouth@auburn.edu for more information. You can also find more information about COVID-19 on the Auburn University COVID-19 Resource Center website http://auburn.edu/covid- resource-center/.

We look forward to seeing you.

War Eagle!



Auburn Youth Programs

Auburn Youth Programs offers over 100 summer camps & programs where campers have the opportunity to further their education and skills on Auburn’s Campus.